
Athlone Town Centre

Athlone Town Centre can be seen as the new urban quarter adjacent to the footprint of the historical quarter of the town. This project, with a gross floor space of 140,000sq.m. approximately, comprises a 161 bedroom Hotel, two Shopping Malls and a Covered Square, 70 Retail Units, Restaurants, Cafe, Creche, Office Accommodation, 163 Residential Units and underground car park.

The development also includes the provision of public and private open space in the form of a playground, park,
residential squares and courtyards, private gardens, balconies to all residential units and roof gardens.

WestLAN were awarded the contract to install a Structured Cabling solution and a Cisco switched network. 2,300 points were installed across the Retail, Residential and Hotel areas. The Cisco switched network is used for Triple Play services for hotel guests and IT services for staff.

Data centre





Office & Commercial


Public Sector


Sport Leisure