
Internet of Things (IoT)

Over the last five years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a buzzword used to describe the next evolution of wireless connectivity. And while IoT seems to be the acronym on everyone’s lips, it is more than just jargon.

IoT is the network of physical devices capable of collecting and sharing data through integrated sensors and network connectivity. While this level of automated connectivity may seem far off, the truth is it’s already happening. Map applications provide current travel times and updates for common destinations like work or home, and fully automated environments already exist, such as facilities capable of smart metering, energy monitoring, and health detection.

Wireless devices are a significant contributor to the rise of IoT, and with the increasing demand for wireless connectivity it’s important to have a flexible, scalable, and reliable structured cabling backbone to support related bandwidth growth. Existing cabling infrastructures may not be capable of providing the bandwidth needed for optimal performance.

Many enterprise and mission-critical networks already rely on more powerful 10 Gb/s speeds over fibre, with an eye on 40, 100, and even 400 Gb/s for future upgrades in data centres. With the tremendous growth in data and data processing, IoT has had the greatest impact to date on data centres. We are talking about zettabytes of data.

Enterprise data centres — whether they be privately-owned, with third-party co-location facilities, or hosted through very large cloud providers — are being planned with long-term upgradability and migration plans to connect and manage fog computing outposts, pod-based back-ups, and edge facilities that get the processing closer to the devices for faster overall performance.

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